Berry Tiramisu Pots

Easy Easy
Under 30 min. Under 30 min.
2-4 2-4
Berry Tiramisu Pots
Main ingredients
  • Dairy


For the berry compote:
  • 150g mixed redcurrants and blackcurrants
  • 75g blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons caster sugar
  • Juice of 1 small lemon (approximately 3 tablespoons)
  • Juice of 1 orange (approximately 3 tablespoons)
  • 200g fresh raspberries
For the mascarpone cream:
  • 250g tub mascarpone cheese
  • 2 tablespoons caster sugar
  • Finely grated zest of 1 small lemon
  • 3 tablespoons Greek-style natural yoghurt
To assemble:
  • 16 sponge fingers
  • Icing sugar, for dusting
  • 4 small fresh mint sprigs, to decorate
  • Method

  • 1
    For the compote, put 100g of the mixed redcurrants and blackcurrants plus 50g of the blueberries into a small pan with
  • 2
    the sugar, lemon juice and orange juice. Place over a medium heat and leave to heat through gently, swirling the pan now and
  • 3
    then, until the sugar dissolves and the berries just burst and release all their juices. Stir in 150g of the raspberries and then
  • 4
    tip the mixture into a sieve set over a shallow dish to collect all the syrup.
  • 5
    Beat the mascarpone, sugar and lemon zest together in a bowl until smooth and then stir in the yoghurt.
  • 6
    Dip the sponge fingers one at a time into the warm berry syrup,
  • 7
    leave them to soften slightly and then use them to line the base of 4 mini casseroles, cutting them where necessary to fit.
  • 8
    Spoon one-quarter of the berry mixture into each pot and then cover with the mascarpone cream. Reserve the remaining berry
  • 9
    syrup for later.
  • 10
    Mix the remaining berries together, use them to decorate the top of each pot and chill for 1 hour. Drizzle with the remaining syrup, then dust with a little icing sugar and decorate with the mint sprigs just before serving.