Caramelised Baked Apples

Caramelised Baked Apples
Main ingredients
  • Fruit


  • 12 medium golden apples
  • 90g unsalted butter
  • 3 vanilla pods
  • 180g brown sugar
  • 6 pinches ground cinnamon
  • 3 pinches of anise seed
  • 3 pinches of caraway
  • sea salt
  • aluminium foil
  • Method

  • 1
    Pre-heat the oven to 160°C / fan forced 140°C
  • 2
    Wash apples, dry and place in the pan without peeling (stems up)
  • 3
    Cut the butter into small cubes and spread them over the apples.
  • 4
    Sprinkle with the brown sugar, cinnamon, anise seed and caraway
  • 5
    Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise. Scrape out the inside using the blade of a knife in order to extract the seeds. Distribute the seeds and the open pod over the apples.
  • 6
    Sprinkle a pinch pf seasalt.
  • 7
    Cover with aluminium foil. Place into a preheated oven for about 30 minutes
  • 8
    Serve warm.